Annuaire > Champagnat Ronan, MCF HDR

- Statut : Enseignant-Chercheur
- ronan.champagnat
- Page Web Personnelle
- Tél. : 0546457204 ou 0546513968
Mots clés : Narration Interactive, Analyse et Pilotage de scénario, jeux vidéo et éducatifs, réseaux de Petri
Résumé du thème de recherche :
Pilotage de récits interactifs
Process Mining
Process Mining focuses on the analysis of processes by the development of a set of tools and techniques aimed at extracting process-related knowledge from event log. An event log corresponds to a set of process instances (i.e. traces) following a business process which is a set of coordinated tasks that delivers a specific service or a product. Each recorded event refers to an activity and is related to a particular trace. An event can have a time stamp and a performer (i.e. a person or a device executing or initiating an activity). Process Mining deals with several different activities, whose final aim is to extract knowledge from available log files.
An Information Retrieval System is a set of resources and tools permitting users to search for information in a given domain. In such systems users can have diverse ways to perform their research according to their objectives. In this context, it can be said that the user applies self-defined processes that may vary in term of significance, structure and results. Therefore, it would be useful to study the behavior of users to better understand their information seeking processes.
To do so, I use process mining algorithms to mine self-defined business processes.
Control of Interative Narrative Unfolding
The control of a system consists in organizing, upstream, the actions to be put in place to achieve an objective, by optimizing a possible criterion ; then to take the necessary decisions, during the execution, to carry out the actions planned according to the possibilities of the system. Achieving these two goals requires, at a strategical level, to define the objectives to be achieved over a long time horizon and, if necessary, changing the system. Finally, an analysis of the system must be carried out to detect possible deadlock situations.
My research objective is to propose a solution to adapt the execution of the execution of an activity (or a process) while remaining within the framework defined by the designer of the application (the expert of the domain) but taking into account inflections given by the user (through his actions). My work aims at defining an architecture for the adaptation, the definition of a formal model and the validation of a scenario in the field of the serious games.
Protection of personal data from IoT
The dematerialization of sensitive personal documents (such as certificates, diplomas, bank statements or medical reports) is widely engaged, many information is accessible through portals, downloadable... We aim to set up a system dedicated to digital trust. We are talking here at the same time of problems of computer security but also of protection of the personal data. So, that computer security can possibly be ensured through the use of their data in a closed framework via trusted third parties, the problem of the protection of personal data and their access remains open to him. For example, digital vaults (CFNs) have been recently established to provide storage and protection of personal digital documents and resources. In addition, the need for traceability imposes measures to implement. The registration of multiple operations is therefore essential for the user to check the history.
The work aims to increase user confidence in the systems and the use of new secure techniques to ensure confidentiality in the services set up. They will focus on the management of digital learning processes and the certification of learners’ skills throughout life.
My work focuses on setting up a semantic firewall to guarantee access to a digital resource
Points forts de mes activités de recherche
– Process Mining Analysis
– Définition d’une architecture pour le pilotage de récits interactifs.
– Utilisation de la Logique Linéaire pour raisonner sur les récits.
– Utilisation des réseaux de Petri pour explorer l’espace des preuves.
Principales publications (4 dernières années)
Hoang Nam Ho (Kereon Intelligence), Mourad Rabah, Ronan Champagnat et F. Bertrand. Towards an Auto- matic Assistance in Crisis Resolution with Process Mining. Accepté à International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Mangement, ISCRAM 2019, Valence (Espagne), 19-22 mai 2019.
Anis Bey, Denis Bouhineau (LIG), Ronan Champagnat. Human Scoring versus Automatic Scoring of Com- puter Programs : Does Algo+ score as well as instructors ? An Experimental Study. 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT2018, Jul 2018, Mumbay, India.
Joffrey Leblay, Mourad Rabah, Ronan Champagnat, Samuel Nowakowski. Process- based Assistance Me- thod for Learner Academic Achievement. Proc. of International Conference on e-Learning (EL 2018), Madrid, Spain. pp.121-128, Juillet 2018.
D. Sawadogo, R. Champagnat, et P. Estraillier. Adaptive digital resource modeling as service provider and consumer. International Journal of Modeling and Optimization, 2016, 6 (1), pp.25-32.
A.-G. Bosser (School of Computing University of Teesside), M. Cavazza (School of Computing University of Teesside) et R. Champagnat. Linear Logic for Non-Linear Storytelling. 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbonne (Portugal), 16 - 20 août 2010.
Points forts de mes activités relevant des missions autres que la recherche
Établissement : IUT de La Rochelle, départements Informatique
Disciplines : programmation - génie logiciel
Secrétaire de la Commission Pédagogique Nationale DUT Informatique - DUT STatistique et Informatique Décisionnelle.