Annuaire > Cordolino Sobral Andrews

- andrews.sobral
- Personal Web Page
- Tél. : (0)7 81 63 75 00
Currently PhD Student at Univ. de La Rochelle, France. I’m focused on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
For more information about me, see my profile on [LinkedIn].
Last update : 12/10/2015
2013-currently PhD student at University of La Rochelle (L3I/MIA), France.
2014-2015 (3+3 months) PhD research stage at Computer Vision Center (CVC), Barcelona, Spain.
2010-2012 MSc in Mechatronics Engineering - Federal University of Bahia, Brazil.
2004-2009 BSc in Computer Engineering at AREA1 Engineering School, Brazil.
Currently I’m conducting my doctoral research to apply advanced matrix and tensor tools for robust video analysis (i.e. background modeling and subtraction, image and video classification, video action recognition, online/incremental learning).
Mots clés : Robust PCA (RPCA), Non-negative Matrix/Tensor Factorization (NMF/NTF), Low-rank Matrix/Tensor Approximation, Low-rank Representation, Incremental SVD/HoSVD, Subspace Clustering, Compressed Sensing and Sparse Representation.
Résumé du sujet de thèse :
Apply advanced matrix and tensor tools to robust video analysis (i.e. background modeling and subtraction, image and video classification, online and incremental learning).
Points forts de mes activités de recherche :
Background Subtraction, Motion Segmentation, Foreground Detection, Background Modeling.