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The laboratory is organised in two scientific thematic axes with the aim to consolidate the laboratory’s fundamentals through dynamic scientific synergies within each axis, but also in interaction between them:
- Thematic scientific axis “Images, Documents, and Complex Data” (IDDC): The objective of this axis is to provide systems and methods helping to expertise systems that manipulate data of variable structure, i.e. to use complementary knowledge extraction methods from heterogeneous sources, complex data, and semantic modelling methods.
- Thematic scientific axis “Interactive Systems and Image: models, architecture” (S2I): This axis focuses onto the development of planned adaptive systems with respect to two types of interaction loops: the interaction designer/user author (slow loop) on the one hand, the interaction system/user (fast loop) on the other hand. Within this framework, we aim to comprehend and orient the interaction in order to allow an adaptive evolution of the running application: according to the user’s behavior, respecting the instructions of the designer, taking into account the state of the resources.
Furthermore, for the legibility of its activity at local, regional, national and even international level, the laboratory has defined two strategic axes whose objective is to concentrate the scientific action on the following subjects:
- Strategic axis “Pertinence Contents-Interaction“ (ASPIC): The objective is to reinforce the synergy between the laboratory’s thematic axes in order to tackle the problematic of valorisation of digital contents from a systemic point of view. This means in particular a crossed exploitation of competencies relative to serious games, content-based indexing, and knowledge representation.
- Strategic axis “Environment”: This axis reinforces the synergy between the laboratory’s thematic axes and a research domain that has priority for the institution. Globally, our objective is on the one hand to integrate very heterogeneous data (paper documents, images, spatio-temporal georeferences) into an exploitable modality for a given usage and on the other hand to realize a digital dispositive covering at the same time the control of observations and the modelling and simulation of the system (interactivity) in the specific case of problematic linked to environment.
publie le diluns 19 de decembre de 2011