Actualités > Séminaire Romain Raveaux

Séminaire de Romain Raveaux jeudi 2 mai de 15h30 à 16h30 en salle 018 (bât. Pascal)

Title : Machine Learning, Operations Research and Graph for environmental monitoring and document analysis.

Abstract : How to match, measure similarities and classify objects when objects are represented by graphs ? Graphs are very flexible computer data structures that allow a very rich and very detailed description of a very wide range of objects, ranging from chemical molecules to images, via social networks. However, the reverse of the medal is often an increase of computational complexity. Complexity and combinatorial optimization are related to an entire discipline called operations research. In operations research, optimization problems need to be formalized and well structured. An optimization algorithm exploits this structured information to solve it. At the opposite, machine learning is a research field dealing with the design of algorithms based on statistical models. The core of machine learning algorithms is their ability to learn and generalize from “unstructured” or “not formalized” information. In this talk, we will present models and methods based on Machine Learning, Operations Research and Graphs to solve problems related to environmental monitoring (insect counting as a biodiversity index) and document analysis (document image quality assessment).

Biography : Romain Raveaux : In 2006, he obtained two M.Sc., one in networking and telecommunication and another one in computer sciences from the University of Rouen (France). From 2006 to 2010, he had worked on his Ph.D. Thesis at the L3I laboratory of the University of La Rochelle. Since 2011, he is an Assistant Professor at the computer sciences lab LIFAT of the University of Tours. His work concerns the structural pattern recognition field. His scientific course is at the confluence of two research areas : combinatorial optimization and machine learning. Results and contributions of its research works have already been published in the forms of 3 thesis manuscripts and more than 40 research papers including 15 International Journals and 25 International conferences and workshops.
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publie le jeudi 2 mai 2019