Actualités > Séminaire de El Mamoun Souidi
Dans le cadre d’un PHC franco-marocain sur la cyber-sécurité et l’IA dans l’automobile, nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir toute la semaine le professeur El Mamoun Souidi de l’université Mohamed V.
Il donnera un séminaire ce jeudi 14 avril à partir de 10h en salle 124.
Titre : New Code Based Cryptographic Accumulator and Fully Dynamic Group Signature
Abstract : A cryptographic accumulator is a cryptographic primitive which produces a succinct aggregate of a set of elements. This type of scheme allows to produce a membership proof for each element of the set. In this paper, we propose a code-based cryptographic accumulator that is quantum computer resistant. Specifically, our scheme is based on the hardness of the Syndrome Decoding problem and satisfies the collision freeness and indistinguishability requirements. We also use a double circulant codes which allows us to get a small key size. Furthermore, we use proposed cryptographic accumulator to create a fully dynamic code based group signature. Moreover, we give an implementation of our scheme which is, as far as we know, the first direct implementation of a post-quantum cryptographic accumulator.