Actualités > Séminaire de Mauricio ITURRALDE
Mauricio ITURRALDE (Lecturer at CESI La Rochelle) présentera ses travaux lors d’un séminaire le Mercredi 5 Mai à 10h.
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Titre :Improving the Quality of Service of in-train mobile devices with mobile relays.
Résumé :
Railway communications nowadays are particularly challenging because continuous and assured Quality of Service (QoS) connections between on-board user equipments and base stations are hard to provide due to the mobility and the high penetration loss of carriages. Deploying mobile relays in public transportation is possible with a 100%-compatible LTE/EPC architecture. This is an effective way to avoid the electromagnetic insulation within railway vehicles that dramatically degrades the QoS on board. However, the radio backhaul link gathers the traffic of all users and should accommodate extra packet-overhead.
In this talk, we will analyse the performance of mobile relays in loaded conditions and to compare it with a standard direct mode.
Firstly, we will describe the embedded architecture and the protocol stack when mobile relays are used. We will present in detail our simulation scenario, including the traffic models and our QoS parameters. Finally, we will conclude this talk by presenting and analysing the simulation results.